Saturday, March 18, 2006

38 Weeks

Well we just thought the 37 week sonogram was our last, but no we have another again. Sonograms are free right? I mean we don't have to pay for it every time we have one do we? OK of course I know we have to pay for them. I hope the doctor and the hospital don't mind us being on the 10 year financing plan. In one of our pictures, the doctor showed us some of his hair. She said that it was long and that he had alot of it. I sure hope she is right. He must get that from his mom since I didn't even have hair until I was 3 years old and then starting losing it when I was 16. So I've only had a good amount of hair for about 13 years of my life. But enough about me. This site is not about me, but about my son. He's going to be a big boy. The doctor said that her estimate is around 8 1/2 pounds and he is still 2 weeks from his due date. She said that there is a 10-15% error that could be around 1 pound off from her estimate. When I asked her if it is usually less weight or more weight when it comes to that error, she said usually he would be more when they are big kids. Great! We might have a 9 1/2 pound kid. Maybe she'll be wrong. Oh well, as long as he is healthy. In this picture, you can see his fat rolls where the arrow is pointing. He's going to be a big one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Drew! We cannot wait for you to get here! We have been pestering your Mommy and Daddy almost every day.